The Power of Reviews!

The Power of Reviews!

Sep 15 , 2021

We all have a hang of shopping online in the comfort of our homes or on the go.  The vast majority of our choice on a purchase relies on the social proof, which is somebody's recommendation or the review by customers at the very least. It's uncommon for us to purchase something disregarding any of these aspects.  While a positive review increases the credibility of the product or a business, a negative review can be equally damaging.

With regards to reviewing online, there are customers who are gracious enough to take out time to explain how they like it and if it was worth the dime.  While there are other customers who give one or a two word reviews summarizing their viewpoint/experience.  There is one more category of customers who might want to save anonymity yet offer their viewpoint simply by giving a star rating.  A customer's review essentially represents the moment of truth for a business and we definitely respect different point of views.  In fact, it is also a channel through which we can understand our customers.  
To a potential buyer, I would urge not to decide by merely the most recent review, rather consider the overall experience and viewpoint of customers in general.  There will always be 5-10% of the customers who we couldn't appease (presumably their taste palette is different).
However, there is one more category of customers who compose their review with fury, all their disappointment, cynicism and frustration will show in the review.  This is the particular review, we as small businesses are wary about.  Once we have such a review, we can only watch the orders go down before our eyes.  
Please remember, your review has the power to make or break us!